CONT.CAS(C) 661/2012 ANGESH KUMAR and ORS ..... Petitioner Through: Mr Pankaj Kumar, Adv. versus DHARMA PAL AGGARWAL and ANR. ..... Respondents Through CORAM: HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE RAJIV SHAKDHER O R D E R 28.09.2012 CM No. 17166/2012 (Exemption) Allowed subject to just exceptions. CONT.CAS.(C) 661/2012 By this contempt petition compliance is sought of the directions issued by the Division Bench vide its judgment dated 13.07.2012 passed in LPA No. 229/2011 and WP(C) 3316/2011. Briefly, the petitioner has sought following information: ?(i) details of marks (raw and scaled marks) obtained by this selected candidates in their respective optional subjects of the Civil Services Preliminary Examination , 2010; (ii) details of the marks (raw and scaled) obtained by the respondents themselves in the said examination; (iii) The cut off marks of each optional subject in the said examination.? CONT.CAS(C) 661/2012 Page 1 of 2 It is also brought to my notice that a review was filed qua the judgment of the Division Bench, which has also been dismissed. Learned counsel for respondents says that they propose to file a SLP against the aforesaid judgment of this Court. In view of the above, learned counsel for the respondents undertakes to the Court that in case they are not successful in obtaining any interim orders in the SLP, which they propose to file within six weeks from today, they shall disclose the information as directed by the Division Bench. On this assurance, the contempt petition is disposed of. List for compliance on 29.11.2012. RAJIV SHAKDHER, J SEPTEMBER 28, 2012 kk CONT.CAS(C) 661/2012 Page 2 of 2 $ 33 |
yes, we have gone through the upsc telephone directory and found that most of consultants are ex-upsc officers. please explain in details and give some evidence in support of ur claim. u can email the details on our email ids, if they are sensitive. if u really want to expose UPSC u r most welcome.send ur mobile number,if u want to give some sensitive proofs. we will contact u.