
Friday, 25 May 2012

THOSE FRIENDS WHO WANT TO SAVE THEIR COPIES OF CIVIL SERVICES MAIN -2011, AND WANT TO FILE COURT CASE SHOULD SEND RTI, COMPLAINT APPLICATION, LEGAL NOTICE TO UPSC immediately . sample application of one of candidate Shri Ashish Jain has been given for your reference.

Date 24TH MAY 2012.


I.D No………….….
The Public Information Officer,
Union Public Service Commission,
New Delhi.
Sub: - Application form for information under Right to Information Act, 2005.
A. Name of Applicant- ASHISH JAIN
B. Roll No for CIVIL SERVICES EXAMINATION 2011: 226939
C. Address: -   “SHRADDHA”, 2B-51,
D. Contact details: email: -
                Mob:  +918673860111
E. Particulars of Information required:-
With respect to my candidature in Civil Service Examination 2011 vide Roll no 226939 the following information is required.
1- Please provide the certified photocopies of my answer sheets of all papers in Civil Services Preliminary stage and Mains Exam 2011 for Roll Number: 226939.

Grounds for the above query: - That the Supreme Court in Case: CIVIL APPEAL NO.6454 OF 2011 [Arising out of SLP [C] No.7526/2009]; Central Board of Secondary Education & Anr. Vs. Aditya Bandopadhyay & Ors held that “……the examining body will be bound to provide access to an examinee to inspect and take copies of his evaluated answer-books, even if such inspection or taking copies is barred under the rules/bye-laws of the examining body governing the examinations.” (Para 18)


I state that the information sought does not fall within the exemptions contained in Section 8 of the right to Information Act, 2005 and to the best of my knowledge it pertains to your office.

2- Provide me the question-wise marks of all papers of CSE (Mains), 2011 or give the breakup of marks obtained in each paper of CSE (Mains), 2011. I mean marks given by examiner in each question including its sub-parts of every paper. My roll number is 226939.

3- Also provide me the highest and lowest marks awarded this year to any candidate (just give me the marks, I am not demanding candidate’s information) in each of my papers, which are ESSAY, GENERAL STUDIES, HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF SANSKRIT- LANGUAGE.

4- Please provide the maximum number of marks given to any candidate in CSE (Mains), 2011, in each question attempted by me in various papers of CSE (Mains), 2011 or Provide me the question-wise maximum marks given to any candidate in this year’s mains, in papers given by me which are ESSAY, GENERAL STUDIES, HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF SANSKRIT- LANGUAGE.

5- Provide me the Index table filled by me and present on the front-page of all my answer-sheets which contains attempted question number, page number and marks awarded by evaluator. You can suppress any information related to your procedures, name of examiner etc. but provide the information demanded by me. My roll number for CSE 2011(Mains) is 226939.

6- Provide me the photocopy of sheet in which my supplementary sheet serial number is recorded along with my signature. My Roll number is 226939 and my exam centre is AHMEDABAD.

7- Give me the details(including  total number of supplementary sheets used in each paper, total number of pages used/written onto by me, Serial number of all supplementary sheets)of paper-wise supplementary sheets used by me in various  papers. My Roll 226939 and exam centre is AHMEDABAD.

9- If any of the above information cannot be provided, wholly or partially, then please cite the detailed and clear reasons and detailed rules which enable UPSC to do so.
Postal Order no ………….. Dated ………….. For Rs 10/- favouring you towards payment of fee is enclosed herewith. I am ready to deposit the balance fee, if any, with the authorised person.


Date: 24th MAY 2012                                                           Signature of the Applicant
                                                                                                        (ASHISH JAIN)
                                                                                “SHRADDHA”, 2B-51,
BEAWAR (RAJASTHAN)            305901
Email: -
Mob:  +918673860111

Acknowledgement of Application Seeking Information

I.D No………………..                                                                      Dated…………………..

1. Received an application from ASHISH JAIN; Address: “SHRADDHA”, 2B-51, SAKET NAGAR, BEAWAR (RAJASTHAN) - 305901 under section 6(1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005.

2. The applicant is advised to contact the undersigned on………

3. The applicant shall have to deposit the balance fee, if any, with the authorised person before collection of information.

4. The applicant will be responsible for any delay met on his part.

Date……………………                               Signature and Stamp of Competent Authority


To,                                                                                                       Date:- 24TH MAY 2012.

Union Public Service Commission,
Dholpur House, Shahajahan Road ,
New Delhi-69.

Subject: - Complaint regarding manipulation in my marks in Civil Services (Main) Exam-2011.

Respected Sir/Madam
I, ASHISH JAIN, am candidate of Civil Services (Main) Exam-2011 with Roll No: 226939. I am not satisfied with my marks and have doubt that my marks has been manipulated or my answer sheet might have been tampered. So, please check this. and please keep my answer sheets and all related records of me intact for Civil Services(main) Exam-2011, as I may call it in Court.

Thanking You.

ROLL NO: 226939,
“SHRADDHA”, 2B-51,
Email: -
Mob:  +918673860111

To,                                                                                                        Date:- 24TH MAY 2012.

Union Public Service Commission,
Dholpur House, Shahajahan Road ,
New Delhi-69.

Subject: - Legal Notice regarding manipulation in my marks in Civil Services (Main) Exam-2011.

Respected Sir/Madam
I, ASHISH JAIN, am candidate of Civil Services (Main) Exam-2011 with Roll No: 226939. I am not satisfied with my marks and have doubt that my marks has been manipulated or my answer sheet might have been tampered. So, please check this. and please keep my answer sheets and all related records of me intact for Civil Services(main) Exam-2011, as I may call it in Court
 and if they are destroyed inspite of this legal notice ,i will hold  Chairman & Secretary, UPSC  , New Delhi ,wholly responsible for it.

Thanking You.

ROLL NO: 226939,
“SHRADDHA”, 2B-51,
Email: -

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