
Thursday, 24 May 2012


UPSC is executing this fraud in the name of scaling / moderation. 

What is scaling/moderation system:-

Civil services Examination is three staged examination- Preliminary, Mains , Interview.
Candidates have to opt for two optionals papers among list of 51 optionals such as History, Geography, physics , engineering, Medical sciences…….. etc. along with compulsory General studies paper. UPSC says that they apply scaling/moderation for two purpose:-
1. to rationalise interexaminer variation: i.e. some examiners are strict and give very low marks ,while some are liberal and and give very high scores .So as to reduce this difference they do scaling/ moderation by some statistical method.
2. Inter-Subject Scaling/moderation: Some subjects are very high scoring such as science subjects as compared to art subjects. Even at times paper of some subject may be easy as compared to other subjects. Hence, so as to bring balance in all subjects inter-subject scaling / moderation is done by Linear Transformation Method.
The idea behind this is good. But in practice UPSC is doing large scale manipulation under garb of scaling/moderation
In case of Inter-examiner scaling/moderation. UPSC says that they arrange the meeting of Head Examiner and other examiner and some standards are set regarding evaluation of each question. If the Head examiner found that the other examiner have deviated from set standards he downgrade/upgrade marks accordingly. Concept is good. But when we asked them to show us the set standards i.e. Model answersheets , they said that it doesn’t exists. What a joke? when all basis of inter-examiner scaling/moderation is set standards , UPSC says that it does not exists. According to UPSC the set standards are oral discussions which examiners have to remember for the whole period of two months of evaluation process. Even in Board Examination there are written Model Answersheets . How can a constitutional body like UPSC takes casual attitude in conducting the most prestigious examination of this country.
In case of Inter-Subject Scaling/Moderation , When they says that it is done to bring balance between marks of different subjects it should be reflected in final results. But the case is not so which can be seen by analysis of data of Civil Services (Main) Examination-2007 which shows that no balance is achieved between all optional subjects after applying statistical moderation by Linear Transformation Method as the Mean marks ranges from 210(Physics) to 333(Maithili Literature), Minimum marks ranges from 0 to 376(Arabic literature) , Maximum marks ranges from 258(French literature) to 406 (Zoology). Thus, the whole process has lost its way in the maze of statistics applied without proper application of mind.
Even the Linear scaling which UPSC use to do inter-subject moderation is found to be faulty by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Sanjay Singh v/s Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission. 

UPSC do not show the candidates their actual marks scored on papers , but gives scaled/moderated marks. We are fighting to bring the transparency in this examination which selects the top ranks officials who shapes the destiny of this country. We have won the Shiv shambhu case in Hon’ble Supreme Court regarding disclosing of actual / raw marks , scaling/moderation formula and to bring overall transparency in conduct of Civil Services Examination . As a result of which they have changed pattern of preliminary examination and there will be no scaling in Preliminary stage. There are many court cases going against UPSC in relation to Civil Services Examination.
In one of the RTI reply ,UPSC said that they have spend 105 crore rupees on Court cases since 2006. Is this extravagant use of public money justified to save its skin from potential exposure of fraud if they disclose the actual marks of candidates. 

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