
Wednesday, 13 June 2012

TWO SELF CONTRADICTORY STANDS TAKEN BY UPSC regarding status of RAW MARKS -- in one document it says that RAW MAKS are written with red ink and moderated marks are written in blue ink ,while in another document it says on affidavit that during the irreversible process of moderation the raw marks are overwritten multiple times , hence they doesn't remain. WHAT BETTER PROOF GOVT NEEDS ABOUT THE FRAUD THAN THIS.IF,EVEN AFTER THIS NO ACTION IS TAKEN BY GOVT OR JUDICIARY ,THEN ONLY GOD CAN SAVE INDIA.

In one document to Syed Shabbir Ali , before Central Information Commission,  it is said that, on persual of his answersheet ,it was seen that raw marks were written in red ink and moderated marks were written in blue ink stated in totality and moderated marks were not moderated question-wise.

While in another document given  on affidavit ,on direction of CIC, UPSC says that during the irreversible moderation process, raw marks are overwritten multiple times.(i.e, they are not written separately ).and hence, they doesn't remain.

Documents of Syed Shabbir Ali:-

Affidavit of UPSC saying that during irreversible process of moderation raw marks are overwritten multiple times . Hence doesn't remain.


  1. This is very often that IAS/IPS are frauds but very strange to listen that UPSC is also doing fraud. Being community manager at, i hope aspirants who are preparing for ias might not face this problem

  2. 1.Wether any exam where examiners marks are overwritten by moderator can be fair ? even in basic 10 th std examination examiners & moderators marks are written in different columns separately.

    2.If clerks also have authority to change the marks , then what would the fate of result ? god knows.but our great indian drama of sacredness still continue with blessings from executive and judiciary ......
