
Monday, 5 March 2012

UPSC have changed its retention schedule for answersheets to just SIX month from conclusion of examination (i.e. they will be destroyed in May 2012)

NEW GUNDAGIRI OF UPSC.:- Dear Friends UPSC have changed its retention shedule of its answersheets to just six month from conclusion of examination or 45 days after display of marksheets,whichever is later. If u want to save your marksheets write complaint and ask your answersheet under RTI act 2005.( to get certified copy of your answersheets is your legal right as uphold by Hon'ble Supreme Court in CBSE vs Aditya Bandopadhyay case.)

CHANGED RETENTION SCHEDULE FROM 31ST JANUARY 2012 regarding answersheets:-

Category of Record

Approved Retention Period

1) Files that contain general orders of the Commission on policy matters.


2) *Court / CAT case files

10 years

3) *Disciplinary cases of debarment

10 years

4) Copies of Notifications of various examinations

5 years

5) **Correspondence with the AGCR and the State Bank of India

5 years

6) Files containing OM circulars and office orders

5 years

7) Stamp Accounts Register

5 years

8) **Grant of T.A. Advance

3 years

9) **Counterfoils of cheques

3 years

10) Miscellaneous orders / circular files

3 years

11) **Postage Stamp Account Register
3 years

12) Visitors� Register maintained at the entrances of the Confidential Branch

2 years

13) Telegram Register

2 years

14) Answer books / Answer sheets of candidates (except those pertaining to pending* court cases / penalty cases / complaint cases)

Six months from the conclusion of the written examination or 45 days from the start of display of mark sheets on the Commission�s website, whichever is later.

15) Answer Books / Answer Sheets pertaining to court cases

Till pendency of the ongoing court case (if intimated during the normal retention period) plus any additional period as directed by a Court of Law / Tribunal or until 1 year from the conclusion of the examination or 60 days after start of display of marksheets on the Commission�s website, whichever is later.

16) Answer Books / Answer Sheets pertaining to complaint cases

Three months after the complaint is examined and disposed of or until 1 year from the conclusion of the examination or 60 days after start of display of marksheets on the Commission�s website, whichever is later.

17) Answer Books / Answer Sheets pertaining to penalty cases

Three months after penalty is imposed or 1 year from the conclusion of the examination or 60 days after start of display of marksheets on the Commission�s website, whichever is later.

18) Miscellaneous and routine circulars and inquiries

1 year

19) *Absentee statement

1 year from the date of conclusion of examination.

20) Weekly Arrear statement

1 year

21) Casual leave account

1 year

22) Periodical reports / returns

1 year

23) Copies of indents for forms and stationery

1 year

24) Miscellaneous Circulars / papers

1 year

25) Attendance Register

1 year

26) Despatch advice from Supervisors regarding despatch of answer books / answer sheets to the Commission

6 months

27) Arrangement of accommodation for official visitors

6 months

28) Office copies of speed post booking slips

6 months

29) Postal Receipts of telegrams, registered insured articles, etc.

6 months


UPSC do not give you your actual marks on your answersheets, but show you moderated/scaled Marks.{we consider them as manipulated marks}. As per UPSC retention schedule they will destroy the answersheets for Civil Service (Main) Exam-2011 in MAY 2012. If you want to keep them intact ,then ask them certified copy of your answersheets under RTI act 2005.(it is your legal right as held by Hon'ble Supreme Court in CBSE vs Aditya Bandopadhyay Case). and even write Complaint application to SECRETARY ,UPSC, as as per UPSC retention Schedule answersheets of Complaint cases are kept intact for ONE years from conclusion of mains examination.

1. Model Application under RTI act,2005.

Central Public Information Officer,                                                                         Date:       
Union Public Service Commission,
Dholpur House,Shahajahan Road,
New Delhi-69

Subject:-application under RTI act,2005
 Please provide me the following information:-
1. Certified xerox copies of my answersheets of all subjects in Civil Services (Main) Exam-2011 of Roll NO:.............
2. Also provide me my RAW as well as Moderated Marks as well as RAW and Moderated marks of all other candidates in Civil Services (Main) Exam-2011.

I need Information Through SPEED POST.

- A Indian Postal Order of Rs 10/ cash of Rs 10/ Demand draft of Rs 10 in the name of Account Officer, UPSC, New Delhi is attached with it as fees.


My address for Correspondence:-

2. Model COMPLAINT application:


To,                                                                                                                         Date:-
Union Public Service Commission,
Dholpur House, Shahajahan Road ,
New Delhi-69.
 Subject:- Complaint regarding manipulation in my marks in Civil Services (Main) Exam-2011.

Respected Sir/Madam
 I , XYZ,  am candidate of Civil Services (Main) Exam-2011 with Roll No:............... .I am not satisfied with my marks and have doubt that my marks has been manipualated or my answersheet might have been tampered. So, please check this. and please keep my answersheets and all related records of me intact for Civil Services(main) Exam-2011, as I may call it in Court.

Thanking You.


My Address:

3.                                             LEGAL  NOTICE

To,                                                                                                                         Date:-
Union Public Service Commission,
Dholpur House, Shahajahan Road ,
New Delhi-69.
 Subject:- Legal Notice regarding manipulation in my marks in Civil Services (Main) Exam-2011.

Respected Sir/Madam
 I , XYZ,  am candidate of Civil Services (Main) Exam-2011 with Roll No:............... .I am not satisfied with my marks and have doubt that my marks has been manipualated or my answersheet might have been tampered. So, please check this. and please keep my answersheets and all related records of me intact for Civil Services(main) Exam-2011, as I may call it in Court and if they are destroyed inspite of this legal notice ,i will hold  Chairman & Secretary, UPSC  , New Delhi ,wholly responsible for it.

Thanking You.


My Address:

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