ITEM NO.20 COURT NO.12 SECTION XIV S U P R E M E C O U R T O F I N D I A RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Petition(s) for Special Leave to Appeal (Civil) No(s).32443/2010 (From the judgement and order dated 08/10/2010 in WP No. 6931/2010 of The HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT N. DELHI) AJAY KUMAR MISHRA & ORS. Petitioner(s) VERSUS UNION PUB.SER.COMMN.& ANR Respondent(s) (With office report ) Date: 03/12/2010 This Petition was called on for hearing today. CORAM : HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE AFTAB ALAM HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE R.M. LODHA For Petitioner(s) Mr. Sanjeev Anand,Adv. Mr. Yakesh Anand,Adv. Mr. Murari Kumar, Adv. Mr. Nimit Mathur, Adv. For Respondent(s) UPON hearing counsel the Court made the following O R D E R The issue raised in this SLP was earlier decided by the Delhi High Court against the respondent, the Union Public Service Commission (vide judgment and order dated 17.4.2007 passed by a single judge of the Delhi High Court in writ petition (C) No.17583 of 2006 and affirmed by the Division Bench of the High Court by Judgment and Order dated 3.9.2008 in LPA No.313 of 2007). In the case of the petitioner the Delhi High Court refrained from passing any order observing that the Union Public Service Commission had filed SLP(C) No.23250 of 2008 against its order dated 3.9.2008 in LPA No.313 of 2007 and in that SLP this Court had granted stay against the operation of its judgment. During the pendency of the earlier case (SLP(C) No.23250 of 2008) the UPSC changed the format of its examination for the Central Services. Hence, when the earlier SLP came up for hearing this Court dismissed it observing that there was no need for any adjudication by this Court in the matter since the UPSC had changed the pattern of its examination. That being the position the order passed by the Delhi High Court in the earlier case holds the field and the case of the present petitioner will also be governed by that order. This SLP is disposed of with the aforesaid observations and directions. (Neetu Khajuria) (S.S.R. Krishna) Sr.P.A. Court Master
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Hon'ble Supreme Court Decision in Ajay Kumar Mishra & ors. vs UPSC SLP No: 32443 of 2010 upholding its earlier stand in UPSC vs SHIV SHAMBHU CASE and directs UPSC to provide Raw Marks of Candidates.
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